Broken Heart

Ganesh Hange
1 min readFeb 17, 2022


Deep love for someone is a sorrow of heart if left broken. While in middle teen age with a friend like her, he got deep into her endearment. Friendship above all propinquity. Days went with a wave of joy in heart every then and now. Every morning starting with great elation. Time fled and the bond grew stronger. With a stage of life where segregation and a inferior feeling started developing he lost her. In a phase of sorrow and frail he regrouped himself. Smitten with her, but time had a role to play. Time has left them both apart, and after a long juncture when the moment came to reconvene it was nothing but just a agonized feeling, she was revamped in her thoughts and philosophy. And thus, that was the day when he got to know that this world will put you in farcical situations and peril phases, you are the one who knows whether to acquire vanquish or to rise above all.

